I have also published more generally on the causes and consequences of family change in Europe and provided my expertise on family policies to governments in Eastern European countries (Moldova and Armenia) through my collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund. Earlier I also provided my expertise to the governmental agencies in Poland (Chancellary of the Republic of Poland 2011-2013, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy).
Major publications:
- Sobotka, T., Matysiak, A., Brzozowska, Z., 2019, Policy responses to low fertility: How effective are they? Report for the United Nations Population Fund, New York, forthcoming.
- Matysiak, A., 2014, ed. Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9
- Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2012, Czy znamy lekarstwo na niską dzietność? Wyniki międzynarodowych badań ewaluacyjnych na temat polityki rodzinnej. (Do we know how to increase fertility? A review of international research on family policy evaluation) Polityka Społeczna 7: 9-14.
- Matysiak, A., 2011, Fertility developments in Central and Eastern Europe: the role of work-family tensions. Demográfia – The English Edition 54(5): 7-30.
- Kotowska I.E., Jóźwiak J., Matysiak A., Baranowska A., 2008, Poland: Fertility decline – a response to profound societal change and transformations in the labour market? Demographic Research 19, Article 22, 795-854
Research briefs:
- Matysiak, A., 2018, Gender-sensitive family policies as a way to address low fertility in Eastern Europe. Policy brief for the United Nations Population Fund
- Kotowska, I.E. Matysiak, A., Mynarska, M. (2016). The life of Poles: From leaving the parental home to retirement. Insights from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS-PL), Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw
- Matysiak,. A., Baranowska-Rataj, A., Mynarska, M., Rybińska, A., Styrc, M. (2013). Między zmianą światopoglądową a ograniczeniami dnia codziennego: Jakie przyczyny przemian rodziny w Polsce? Jakie rekomendacje dla polityki? (Between ideational change and the limitations of the daily life: What has been causing the family change in Poland? Policy recommendations), Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw