Besides fertility, I have also worked on union dynamics. I investigated the process of diffusion of new family arrangements, such as cohabitation and childbearing within cohabitation. I have also studied the links between women’s socio-economic status and union disruption. In particular, I demonstrated a change in the educational gradient in union disruption in Nordic and Southern European countries (with M. Styrc and D. Vignoli) and provided evidence that the impact of women’s employment on divorce depends on the country context and in particular on the generosity of the state support toward families and single mothers.
Major publications:
- Vignoli, D., Matysiak, A., Styrc, M., Tocchioni, V., 2018, The Positive Impact of Women’s Employment on Divorce: Context, Selection, or Anticipation? Demographic Research 38, Article 37, 1059–1110.
- Matysiak, A., Styrc, M., Vignoli, D., 2014, The educational gradient in marital disruption: A meta-analysis of European research. Population Studies 68(2): 197-215.
- Mynarska, M., Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2014, Free to stay, free to leave: Insights from Poland into the meaning of cohabitation. Demographic Research 31, Article 36, 1107-1136.
- Mynarska, M., Matysiak, A., 2011, Diffusion of Cohabitation in Poland. Studia Demograficzne 1-2 (157-158): 11-26.
- Hoem, J.M., Gabrielli, G., Jasilioniene, A., Kostova, D., Matysiak, A., 2010, Levels of recent union formation. Six European countries compared. Demographic Research 22, Article 9: 199-210.
- Matysiak, A., 2009, Is Poland really “immune” to the spread of cohabitation? Demographic Research 21, Article 8: 215-234.